No more paper mountains!

All documents on all devices.

Secure. Easy. From everywhere.

Use open source cloud systems as enterprise backbone

& only share data and documents with those who are concerned.

File Synchronisation

With Clients for Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, Linux, iOS, and Android.

User and rights management

Access control with group and user management.

Plugin system

Many open source plugins available for free.

Automatic tagging

Easy and automatic categorizing of files by auto tagging!

File versions

Understand file changes easily by version control.

Kubernetes solutions

Use the smart container orchestrator Kubernetes for high availability.

About open source software

Open source software is defined as software which developed by indiviuals or companies publicy and openly. The source code can usually be viewed and modified by anyone. Software which is developed this way is often times free to use even for commercial applications.

Create free project

Create a free LOGIT project with main emphasis on "Open Source Cloud System"*. LOGIT projects offer many advantages and features such as direct contact to professionals and project management. A LOGIT user account is required.

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